From me to you.

When I walked away from you, I also walked away from a part of myself. The part of myself that had any possibility of letting anyone into my life romantically. I walked away from the door to my heart and now years on, I can’t find my way back. I keep feeling as though IContinue reading "From me to you."

Make it shine

As a young girl in this big world, it is so easy to be standing so strong one minute and be completely drowning the next.A world that is constantly changing comes with a great wall of difficulties, especially for us in the younger generations.Your twenties are meant to be about a time where you reallyContinue reading "Make it shine"

A letter to my future daughter

Dear future daughter, Growing up in this great big world, as beautiful as it is, it also comes with a lot of difficulties and tough lessons that you will be faced with. Although most life's lessons will need to be experienced and learned in your own time, sometimes you will need to be reminded ofContinue reading "A letter to my future daughter"